Birgit Medele
Clear your Clutter – Manifest your dreams
An initiation into the art of letting go
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You know how decluttering works; in theory. So why is it almost impossible to make a start? If you are seeking the motivation to get going and the inspiration to keep going, look no further. This book will be your companion. It invites you on a journey of discovery that reveals why we find it difficult to let go, even though we can clearly sense that most of the stuff we have surrounded ourselves with does us no good.
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Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage
Unterkategorie 1 (Slider) | Besser leben |
Ausführung | eBook, Softcover |
Format | 14 x 21,5 cm |
Seiten | 156 Seiten |
Preis | Softcover: D 12,80 € (A 13,18 €) |
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Englische Übersetzung von “Leben statt kleben”.
You know how decluttering works; in theory. So why is it almost impossible to make a start? If you are seeking the motivation to get going and the inspiration to keep going, look no further. This book will be your companion. It invites you on a journey of discovery that reveals why we find it difficult to let go, even though we can clearly sense that most of the stuff we have surrounded ourselves with does us no good.
‘Clear your Clutter – Manifest your Dreams‘ helps navigate the contemporary overload-jungles and digs out the signposts that have been overgrown by piles and gigawatts of ‘stuff’. It maps out a path away from the superfluous towards the truly good stuff: the deep-down desires that got buried underneath our lovely clutter a long time ago.
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Birgit Medele
Die gebürtige Münchnerin lebt in London und ist fleischgewordene Schnittstelle zwischen Ufo-Kongressbesuchern, Philatelisten, Zeitungsgläubigen, Normalverbrauchern, Tagelöhnern, DuftkerzenUsern und Ihnen. Sie schaute hinter den Kulissen des Konsensus vorbei und ging einer interessanten Frage nach: Wo kämen wir denn da hin?
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